Children’s Ministries
Freedom Baptist Church offers several programs for children ages 2 to 12. It is the desire of our children’s ministry to see children saved by the glorious grace of God. We strive to provide children with sound Bible teaching and quality events for fellowship.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14

Junior Church
Junior Church meets each Sunday during the 11:00 worship service. During this time children ages 6-12 sing songs and learn more about God’s word.
Freedom Youth Club
Freedom Youth Club meets on Wednesday nights during the 7:00pm midweek service. During this time, children ages 2-12, participate in memorizing Bible verses, learning about God’s Word, playing games, practicing with the Freedom Kids’ Choir, and earning a variety of awards. Youth Club runs from August through May and culminates with an awards ceremony in which the children are rewarded for their work throughout the year.

Freedom Kids Choir
The Freedom Kids choir meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 and Wednesday nights during Youth Club for practice sessions. All children ages 2-12 are welcome to sing with the Freedom Kids. The Freedom Kids choir sings on a regular rotation during the Wednesday night prayer meeting service and also travels to sing at area nursing homes.
Pastor’s All Stars
Pastor’s All Stars meet on a regular basis with Pastor Jon White following the Sunday evening 6:00 service. Children ages 2-12 are encouraged to attend these meetings. At Pastor’s All Stars children enjoy snacks, games, and a Bible lesson from Pastor White.

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is always an exciting summer event. Each summer children ages 3-12 participate in this fun-filled week. Children enjoy times of singing, snacks, Bible study, crafts, and games. Children also participate in a missions offering campaign. This campaign is a competition between the boys and the girls. All offerings brought in by the children go to support a missionary.
Junior Camp
Each summer children in grades 3 through 6 are invited to participate in a four-day camp held at the church. During this time children work in teams to compete in different games and activities; learn about God’s word, and enjoy a time of fellowship together.